An online meeting regarding the integration of SOURCE in Ukraine

14:30 - 16:30

On the 27 of April, an online meeting regarding the launch of the piloting phase of SOURCE integration for the preparation and management of infrastructure projects in Ukraine will take place.

SOURCE is the multilateral platform for sustainable infrastructure, led and funded by Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs). The platform is currently used in 78 countries.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Sustainable Infrastructure Foundation (SIF) have adapted SOURCE to become a tool that will strengthen the technical capacity of Ukraine for the development and implementation of infrastructure projects delivered and/or initiated by target Ministries and Agencies. During the development phase SOURCE was adapted to the Ukrainian context. The next, piloting phase will entail the integration of the secure and standardized SOURCE platform, facilitating the preparation and management of PPP and concession projects.

The online meeting was initiated by the Sustainable Infrastructure Foundation (SIF), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine, PPP Agency and PPP management office SPILNO. The objectives of the meeting are:

  • to discuss the key aspects of the SOURCE platform that have been adapted to the Ukrainian context, the benefits of its use;
  • to discuss the progress of SOURCE integration in Ukraine and the next steps in this regard;
  • to display an interactive presentation of SOURCE’s framework for Ukraine’s PPP and Concession projects;
  • to coordinate the organization of the following events that will launch the piloting phase.

If you want to participate in the meeting, you are welcome to fill in the registration form on our website (but not later than the 23rd of April 2021).

The event will take place on the 27th of April, from 14:30 to 16:30. The language of the event is Ukrainian.

The agenda and additional instructions will be sent to each participant by email.