Chernivtsi International Airport Concession

Chernivtsi International Airport Concession

The project is aimed at restoring and expanding the infrastructure of the Chernivtsi International Airport named after Leonid Kadenyuk (CWC) on the basis of public-private partnership.

Potential  Investment  Opportunity

Total CAPEXEUR 56.9 mln
Expansion & ComplianceEUR 26.2 mln
Major Maintenance & ReplacementsEUR 30.7 mln
  • The current runway length at Chernivtsi Airport has potential to reach main European destinations with the current aircraft mix.
  • Some ICAO compliances project related to the runway should be implemented: insufficient runway strip width and runway width.
  • RWY capacity at CWC is currently estimated at 10 ATMs/h and it will not be a constraint.
  • Full reconstruction and extension of the runway still required.
  • Current terminal prevents the promotion of traffic development without restrictions, so new terminal construction is needed.

Key technical characteristics

RunwayTerminal2019 TrafficTraffic CAGR `12-`19
2 216 x 42 m
1 700 m277 kpax
Project Stages
Stage 1
Current Stage
Project identification
Stage 2
Current Stage
Concept note
Stage 3
Current Stage
Feasibility study
Stage 4
Current Stage
Stage 5
Current Stage
Transition period
Stage 6
Current Stage